Our Blog

Acoustically-Sound Environments: How to Get There

Acoustically-Sound Environments: How to Get There

I tuned into an episode of the Modern Built Environment Podcast with Tom Dioro discussing the importance of project acoustics and found the discussion pretty thought-provoking. Charles Salter, an acoustical consultant, was interviewed and shared his thoughts on...

Data-Driven Approaches to Enhancing Life Science Facilities

Data-Driven Approaches to Enhancing Life Science Facilities

Imagine you are a biotech start-up with top scientists in the region developing cutting-edge pharmaceuticals. The scientific portion of your business is without flaw, however the merger opportunities stemming from your new technologies is an exciting yet looming...

An Expert-Trusted Path to Change Order Reduction

An Expert-Trusted Path to Change Order Reduction

The notorious change order – an often-inevitable disruption to budgets, schedules, and all predictability as we know it. Even with the best intentions of a complication-free job, any industry expert understands the rarity that represents. Sometimes COs are the product...

Overcoming Shortages in Materials and Expectations

Overcoming Shortages in Materials and Expectations

Commercial contractors continue to battle various shortages brought on by the coronavirus pandemic. Many claim the difficulty in procurement of some construction materials and the cost associated with shortages won’t go away anytime soon. From Old Forge’s experience,...

Post-Pandemic Child Care Design in New Jersey

Post-Pandemic Child Care Design in New Jersey

I tuned into an episode of the AIA’s NJ Post Pandemic Webinar Series that highlighted day care spaces and the facility design changes anticipated in a post-pandemic world. When the COVID-19 outbreak began, architects were forced to research and quickly establish best...

New Productivity in the Warehouse Asset Class

New Productivity in the Warehouse Asset Class

Yesterday I sat in on a panel discussion covering the evolution of warehouse and distribution real estate that revealed some compelling findings of a recent NAIOP Research Foundation report. There were three immediate themes noticed by industry researchers: Fully...

The Healthcare Construction Standard of 2020

The Healthcare Construction Standard of 2020

In the midst of some new healthcare projects in our bid pipeline, the Old Forge team has been immersed in considerations necessary while COVID-19 safety grows ongoing concern. Hospitals and medical office buildings have always instilled design features to mitigate...

Restaurant Adaptability At Its Finest

Restaurant Adaptability At Its Finest

As we look to the future of restaurant operations and its implications on construction and design, QSRs have learned a few fundamental truths. As consumer habits work in favor of an economic rebound, independent restaurants and corporations alike need to instill...

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